New Production Studio for Crystal Imagery’s Personalized Barware

New Production Studio

If you think our deep engraved glassware is awesome already, just wait until you see what is going to come out of our SAWEET new production studio! Go ahead and take a gander at this beauty under construction. It’s a 2400 square foot design and production studio that is slated to soon be ready to crank out the most unique and exquisite personalized wine glasses, whiskey and scotch glasses, and beer mugs known to mankind. (Okay, I know I’m embellishing a bit, but this company was founded by my ever-so-talented and handsome husband, so I’m allowed to be biased and brag- it’s expected!)

We’re also in the midst of designing some new and really unique barware designs that will be introduced in the coming weeks. No, we don’t let any grass grow under our feet around here. (Literally, if you look at the photo!) We enjoy every aspect of what we do from the initial concept of design right down to test-driving the new glassware. We are a “work-hard to play-hard” duo and we promise to keep things interesting around here.

Stay tuned for more photos of the studio in-progress on our Facebook page.

Cheers, Sherri