Nautical Theme Barware and Glasses – Not for the Landlubbers

 Ahoy, Matey! We’ve set sail on a new adventure with these beauties! Whether you own a beach home, are the captain of your own ship, or simply wish you had a house in a coastal city and need to pretend a while longer…we’ve got you covered with some nautical glasses and nautical barware. Offering four different designs and sold as a set, our nautical glassware features a captain’s wheel, anchor, compass rose and a sailboat design all beautifully hand carved to create the perfect gift for your favorite sailor.

Glass styles available: nautical whiskey, nautical highball glasses, nautical beer mugs, nautical pint glasses, nautical wine glasses and nautical pilsners.

The holiday shopping season is just around the corner. Be sure to place your order soon to ensure a spectacular gift for that special ocean loving friend.

