Glass Choices of Famous Figures From History

The Crystal Imagery Glass Choices Of Famous Figures From History

Throughout the course of history, great figures have risen into the spotlight. Some of these have been warriors, politicians, philosophers, or simply great men and women who changed the world through the force of their powerful personalities. These are people who are well known across the globe, with characteristics that speak to us from ages past, giving us a glimpse into their behaviors and preferences. In this way it is possible to pair each of them with the perfect crystal imagery glass piece to match their style.

Alexander The Great: One of the greatest warriors and commanders in history Alexander the Great conquered the entire known world before he was 30 years old. An avid drinker of Grecian wine, he would have been drawn to the custom engraved red wine glass with his name and initial printed on the piece.

Cleopatra: One of the greatest seductresses in human history, the story of her two great love affairs, first with Julius Caesar, and then with Mark Anthony changed the course of human history. For her selection the heart and arrow wine decanter would be best, engraved with the initials of her romantic partner.

Winston Churchill: Known as a famous drinker who would wake up first thing in the morning to have a little scotch with his coffee, and then continue with that habit throughout the entire day. Never one to stand down from a challenge, Winston Churchill would have appreciated the elegance and daring of the wings and shield monogrammed scotch glass.

Golda Meir: One of the most powerful women in human political history, Golda Meir rose to a position of power in the volatile country of Israel, helping to guide it through the rocky first few years of its independence. With her style and personality, she would be most drawn to the personalized monogrammed tea goblet with her initials on the glass.

Marilyn Monroe: She was one of the most famous actresses of all time, and is a hallmark of style, elegance, and glamour. For those reasons Marilyn Monroe would have been drawn to the initial, circle engraved champagne flute. This fits her flashy, Hollywood feel, while still maintaining a simple grace which was a hallmark of her beauty.

Napoleon Bonaparte: Rising from humble beginnings, Napoleon became the Emperor of France, ruling over territory that stretched the breadth of Europe. Known for his refined tastes, and love of family, he would have chosen the personalized crest decanter with his family seal on it.

Genghis Khan: Known as one of the most savage and ruthless warriors in history, Genghis Khan was also a wise leader, who brought his people to new heights while also uniting the world. Coming from a culture that promoted the consumption of alcohol, he would have been drawn to the engraved beer growlers if given his choice.

Julius Caesar: While Caesar did not partake in alcoholic beverages himself, he did like lavish feasts with his honored guests. So the engraved wine decanter would be a great way for him to demonstrate the pride he had in his family name, while also sharing generously with those who supported him.

Marie Antoinette:Let them eat cake!” Those are words that sparked a revolution, and they came from the mouth of one of the most famous aristocrats of all time. Known for enjoying the finer things in life she would be most attracted to the typewriter font engraved personalized champagne glasses.

Joan of Arc: A great warrior who led her people into battles against great odds and still came out victorious. Joan of Arc would have preferred the chaste pleasures of the engraved monogrammed diamond goblet.



Crystal Imagery Inc. President


