Indulge Yourself


5 Things to Look for in a Glencairn Glass

5 Things to Look for in a Glencairn Glass

The Glencairn glass is the whiskey connoisseur’s glass. However, when you want customized whiskey glasses, there are different factors to consider. How are they personalized? What color is the glass? Is the glass too small for your large hands? Do you want a thin, straight lip or an out-turned lip? Many considerations can help you determine the perfect Glencairn glass.

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From the Glass to the First Sip: A Guide to Enjoying Whiskey How to Enjoy Whiskey to Its Fullest

From the Glass to the First Sip: A Guide to Enjoying Whiskey How to Enjoy Whiskey to Its Fullest
Whether you are new to whiskey or just looking to find more enjoyment out of the spirit, there are some basics you need to know. Continue reading